Nov 26

Is It A Good Idea To Microwave An RC Truck?

Tag: Generaladmin @ 11:09 am

Poll: What type of vehicle do you most commonly drive / ride-in? Experiment #206: RC Truck Trucks are big, loud, and fast…..

21 Responses to “Is It A Good Idea To Microwave An RC Truck?”

  1. matthew thatcher says:

    Poll: Angry Birds Hot wheels Cars/plush toys

  2. sogop40 says:

    The objects in that microwave are closer than they appear.-Jorry Carron

  3. duckiiercookiie says:

    cant believe u guys been doing this for like 3 years 😛

  4. John Winchester says:

    194 people will most likely get run over by a monster truck

  5. piroboy4204life says:


  6. piglitdsfjahsdjkf says:

    @3151999 FUCK YOU!!!! jealous motha fucker, i hope u fuckin die azzhole

  7. xxsnakevenom666xx says:


  8. DrVanMasters says:

    microwave a gshock watch!!!!!!

  9. SeriousGamer2009 says:

    Look like he now has *puts on sunglasses* hot wheels.

  10. joltiklover says:

    poll: i walk to most places

  11. DemolitionMissions says:

    80s era cars for the win!

  12. VideoCritic358 says:

    i ride in the toaster from the kia hamster commercial.

  13. hellborn2012 says:

    microwace jory it would be soooooo funny

  14. Sean Ring says:

    fords all the way =) and my gf is what i ride in

  15. The Just Dance Kid says:

    it really was shrinking!!!!

  16. evanizle13 says:

    i have a gas rc truck

  17. Nail3728 says:

    Poll: Buick.

  18. thescottmiester73 says:

    Last cut scene truck gymnastics

  19. Zerro W. says:

    poll: crysler

  20. ThriceDice says:

    Actually, the wheels were still going in parallel directions.

  21. Bailey TheBoss says:

    I use to own a power wheel