Jul 07

RC ADVENTURES – CHEAP! 1:8 to 1:5 Conversion – Build a 1/5th 4X4 MONSTER TRUCK for $300 TOTAL!

Tag: Generaladmin @ 1:15 pm

http://www.RCSparks.com – 1:8th to 1:5th Conversion! For less than 0 I built a full functioning 1:5 Scale RC Truck that is AWESOME. Im super stoked about …

15 Responses to “RC ADVENTURES – CHEAP! 1:8 to 1:5 Conversion – Build a 1/5th 4X4 MONSTER TRUCK for $300 TOTAL!”

  1. David Leister says:

    i want to do a pair of these with my son, my question is how far will one of these take us, is it upgradable(easily), is it fit for water proofing/mud, any info you can provide would be great, and thanks for all the Vids, well done

  2. djmedic2008 says:

    Hi Keith :) my friend – the body is off of a 1/5th scale gas truck Exceed RC does. Any 5th scale Bod will work though.. try experimenting, let me know what you come up with :~)

  3. keith uyeda says:

    I have been looking and looking etc. boy after seeing this vidi can’t wait to get mine, it’s going 1/5. who should i get the body from? Frist time i have seen this guy and he did awesome video, way to go i want to see more. thanks

  4. atomicradge91 says:

    if u want cheap rc stuff go look at hobby partz best online cheap rc shop
    and i have that rock crawler

  5. Derek Sly says:

    i built a custom axial ax10. dual motor mounts two gear boxes strapped together with HR 1/8 billet axles turning 1/8 clodbuster tyres and 14.8v lipo and 4 180amp esc`s, its a beast.

  6. callum sutherland says:


  7. mimsey101 says:

    That’s my question but I don’t think so cause if the battery position

  8. ahafire says:

    i have the same question bro

  9. Danny Caisse says:

    Hey Djmedic2008 love the videos!!! They help me with my rc’s. I got a question… Would I be able to do this with the Mad Torque? Thanks a million!!

  10. harry s says:

    cool vids, never really been into RC but these videos are making me want 1

  11. car flames says:

    check out my channel

  12. codycody1955 says:

    cant believe you support rcx with such a bad service reputation!!!!!!

  13. Ron Rumsby jr. says:

    i like the video can u make it biger and can u water proof it to and the video i like them a lot

  14. Jonathan Roe says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve always want to get into RC crawling but I never could afford them. So this can help me jump into the Crawler seen. Thank you again

  15. MotoRacer171 says:

    I saw in the Fast and the furious parody on nitro rcx.com they had 6 tires. 2 in the front and 4 in the back on seperate axles. the tires were not side by side but were behind each other like on a semi truck. i think they used 3 chasis plates. anyone know how to do this?