Oct 06

RC Bruder Mack Dump Truck

Tag: Generaladmin @ 1:09 pm

Very nice RC Mack Dump truck playing in the dirt at the 2011 Brownsville,PA show. Unfortunately the hoist cable snapped while filming the dump.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

7 Responses to “RC Bruder Mack Dump Truck”

  1. carton tikim says:

    legal onde posso comprar uma dessas máquinas

  2. diggingwithmartin says:

    I love that truck scott, you did an outstanding job on it!!!

  3. Doug Erutoe says:

    Who the fuk loaded that truck lol

  4. Scentlessapprentice9 says:

    Not sure All custom built. I know I never gave it any thought

  5. SAM STRECKER says:

    how much did it cost?

  6. robcas1954 says:

    next time try to get some dirt in the body instead of the cab shield!

  7. rcnutt77 says:

    Stock rc or custom?