Nov 02

RC Mikro Truck Scale 1:87

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 3:41 pm
Wesley asks:

RC Truck in HO

22 Responses to “RC Mikro Truck Scale 1:87”

  1. Marilou says:

    Is it smaller than a ZIP ZAP? I can’t tell.

  2. Tod says:

    when will you sell one? ebay one and see how much it goes for!

  3. Jadwiga says:

    i am dying to make a truck like this

  4. Darline says:

    The L.E.D’s make the truck look even better
    i also like the part with the emergency signal

  5. Danuta says:

    have you thought of selling and building for other people?

  6. Jinny says:

    красота я даже понял как оно едит) в низу одно маленькое колесико оно и дает движение и поварачивает)

  7. Vanita says:

    where did you get them and how mcuh were they ?

  8. Libbie says:

    thats soo nice how did you make it radiocontrolled

  9. Kathyrn says:

    Amazing detail!

  10. Hung says:

    Stop hating…….dang

  11. Frieda says:

    very neat work, well done!

  12. Kanisha says:

    i wanna see some suspension on that lil baby!!! HALLYEAH!!!

  13. Daphine says:

    Simply FANTASTIC!!!!!!

  14. Victorina says:

    Where can i buy 1 of these

  15. Erin says:

    wow sell it man plz show da rc company xD

  16. Sabra says:

    you MUST sell them on ebay for sure

  17. Etha says:

    you should make and sell them on ebay, let us know if you do.

  18. Jeniffer says:

    No, but they’re cheap.
    If I want proportional control ill buy a bigger scale, and some more realisticness.

  19. Marcella says:

    These trucks are stupid, the dont have a proportional controll and not such great light effects 😉

  20. Nickie says:

    Found one 1/87 truck..
    Google for: TRCV3B or TRCV3A (Army-version)

  21. Mack says:

    they all selfmade, you wont find them in any shop

  22. Connie says:

    where u can buy a full model