Jan 12

Rc pulling

Tag: Generaladmin @ 1:20 am

centralky rcpullers.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

16 Responses to “Rc pulling”

  1. KevinMillard68 says:

    cool stuff

  2. Alex Melott says:

    4:06 !

  3. Logan jacobs says:

    3:18 is it just me or does that sound like a lawn mower

  4. Daniel Amuedo says:

    How the fuck does this have so many views?

  5. Alex Melott says:

    3:50 –> 4:00

  6. Alex Melott says:

    3:00 !

  7. Alex Melott says:

    2:30 !

  8. Jerry Sanders says:

    40 year old virgins will continue after this break…

  9. Dakota Morris says:

    Notice how this is rc trucks? Just sayin’…

  10. adriananderson76 says:

    I like it!!!!!

  11. Magnus Prime says:

    Ah man awesome!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Adam Thompson says:

    having watched most of the build videos medic has put of the truck i think
    the biggest issue with his truck would be the weak and loose suspension

  13. Danoontjeh says:

    the dirt farmers and the orange crushes are cool

  14. paulmcnamara16 says:

    Not the biggest fan of pulling RC or real but these trucks look AWSOME!!
    and am a HUGE fan of good looking RCs so top job guys on some very good
    looking rigs!!

  15. Ryan Legg says:

    ive tried that

  16. s10guy3388 says:

    You might be a redneck if…