Sep 18

Rc Truck´s in Madrid

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 3:42 am
Mariah asks:

Quedada del Club V8-CamionesRC en Madrid

25 Responses to “Rc Truck´s in Madrid”

  1. Shala says:

    @M1N0ETY0UTU83 Danke dir.

  2. Alita says:


  3. Monica says:

    How much cust one of this trucks? And where i can get one of this?

  4. Trula says:

    hi awsome videos where can you buy hese from thanks

  5. Tisa says:

    Very good work. Thanks for showing…

  6. Felton says:

    how can i buy some trucks like those?

  7. Pennie says:

    they’re perfect how can i buy some trucks like this.i live in greece

  8. Rosena says:

    La mejor yarda del mundo! Gracias por los videos!

  9. Marylouise says:

    Very cool trucks! but where can i find like those awsome trucks!? ^^ thank you!

  10. Todd says:

    @VW3B Thanks for goog videos :)

  11. Doretha says:

    @Carbon6661 Carbon6661 Thanks your for your Coment

  12. Treva says:

    Awesome, the best SCANIA models what I have seen :)

  13. Laurence says:

    just awesome,how do you get the pneumatic suspension to work?

  14. Otis says:

    have fun ^^

  15. Junie says:

    i know where you can find stuff way cooler than these and they go like 35 mph. Go to and then look up a model on google if you want to buy it

  16. Enda says:

    hi mate, you know when i can order things like this? like a website if so mail me please thanks.

  17. Quinn says:

    Really impressive

  18. Sammie says:

    i really need to know where to get one of those loaders!

  19. Lizeth says:

    @PavelJanda1 Hi Paul Thanks

  20. Cameron says:

    Hi Patrick, Great Video. Paul

  21. Chae says:

    Hola busco informacion sobre donde puedo adquirir todos los elementos tunning para mi Scania , focos , tubos de escape trompetas…
    me seria de gran ayuda porque no tengo ni idea donde adquirirlos.
    gracias y un video alucinante.

  22. Tenesha says:

    I agree, this is awsome :)

  23. Francina says:

    Ask that may teach me to make the sand and crushed stone vehicle to fight me to do does not decide I do not want to make the flowing tubing head pressure you may teach me perhaps you have the chart to ask

  24. Leta says:

    @Iuliano90 ¨Thanks

  25. Kathi says:

    @HaltingerTV Danke