Aug 26

RC Truck Flips and Tricks

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 7:06 am
Alecia asks:

Crazy flips, jumps, crashes and rc camera views with my Traxxas E-maxx remote control truck. I need a roll cage. No kids were hurt in the making of this clip(too bad anyway).

3 Responses to “RC Truck Flips and Tricks”

  1. Eli says:


    man i got mine to start right now and i did but it just went off on its own i dont know why its never used but it went full throttle all out and i tried putting my finger on the exhaust pipe but i moved my finger down and it just slit open the side of my thumb and its in sick pain lol any tips for people who might now why? plz message me

  2. Tiffanie says:


    man i got mine to start right now and i did but it just went off on its own i dont know why its never used but it went full throttle all out and i tried putting my finger on the exhaust pipe but i moved my finger down and it just slit open the side of my thumb and its in sick pain lol any tips for people who might now why? plz message me

  3. Gabriele says:

    zomg I want one, good vid