Jan 09

RC TRUCK UGV FPV GVP Test Rig With Video Glasses MIDNIGHT Trials and HD Build Pictures N3M1S1S

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 11:16 pm
Darla asks:

i put my FPV flying gear into a tgruck i had knocking about to get an idea of what it would be like to try FPV flying without the crashes and extra expence :) worked really well for a 1st attempt 😀

25 Responses to “RC TRUCK UGV FPV GVP Test Rig With Video Glasses MIDNIGHT Trials and HD Build Pictures N3M1S1S”

  1. Tran says:

    also coz they so slim you can see quite alot of whats going on around you dunno if thats bad or good yet but so far i think it means i should be able to land and take off without moving them 😉 it kinda feels like you sat at the back of a old cinema when you got them on but you fet real emersed quick 😀 they are sweeeet mate

  2. Giuseppina says:

    cool ima google that just now mate 😉

  3. Cindie says:

    didnt think of it like thayt bruv but yes i did lol was even recording the footage you see on my laptop at home (bout 400 meters away on average) and not from the car itself 😀 yep ir leds are now on the heli too check latest vids pix at the end 😉 gogles are great but no focus or light setting so may need a cap or suttin to block out sum light on bright days that said I LUV THEM 😀

  4. Samantha says:

    Yup! Some places call them “Super Bright” and they come in a variety of colors too.

  5. Carolin says:

    Excellent! Gotta love heli’s… you basically made a mini Mars Rover, and that’s just a TEST platform!

    Are you going to be using all the IR Leds on the heli too?

    How are those goggles? I’ve been “eyeballing” that kit (pun intended). Just wasn’t sure about how those goggles would perform as compared to the usual wrap-arounds. Is ambient light/peripheral activity bothersome?

    Can’t wait for the next installment!

  6. Brinda says:

    😀 then you got taste mate 😉

  7. Milo says:

    Nice,you are doing all the stuff I love.

  8. Sudie says:

    nice one 😉 i got ablade 400 esc knockin about still

  9. Justina says:

    yep up n running :)just a weak esc

  10. Claris says:

    LOL and cheers mate 😉 btw you all repaired yet?

  11. Lula says:

    yeah b/w would ov been brighter daylight as helieye said
    but great fun
    that is a fleet
    planes are for whimps lol

  12. Alia says:

    ok get ready for the next vid! 😀 coz i know where ya cummin from now 😉

  13. Kira says:

    Yup there the ones, you could use a bunch of the standard 5mm ones too. Do a search on ebay for 7W Led torch 😉 if ya have that beastie, it will be more like daylight,


  14. Nathanael says:

    would that be the type of led’s they now use in alot of torches mate?

  15. Juliana says:

    Ah sounds like you have the best type IR leds already for that cam.
    If your not worried about the model being seen? I would try Hi-Power White leds, big difference in picture clarity.


  16. Jaquelyn says:

    aiiight cool erm not sure what led’s i have on the camera but to look at them they show as a dull red at night not bright at all but look at them thru another camera and they look like a really bright white? tht make sence to you mate?

  17. Renae says:

    IR leds with colour cams is not so good.
    If your not bothered about it being seen? why not use a white Luxon Star led, or even Red leds will be better than IR.
    The wavelength of IR leds is important, for colour cams use 810nm for best results, with a B/W cam the results are far better. The leds dont have to be internal to the camera, this gives more flexibility, a of clusters of leds running separate will do fine, leaving you a better choice for cameras 😉


  18. Rodrick says:

    good 😀 i might need topick ya brains abit about that soon bruv :) btw this was a daytime cam with a single ring of led’s for night vision the next cam i am putting on this truck has 2rings of led’s so should be much brighter at night just gotta finish up all the new mods and i will go out and test the new setup 😀

  19. Karon says:

    cheers bruv 😉 wait till you see the next vid of this truck! im gonna mod it quite abit more i think 😀

  20. Eliza says:

    nice one bruv :) i just finioshed wiring the gear in this vid to my blade 400 so might go out and give it a little test today 😀

  21. Elbert says:

    alas i dont have a cat :) but next door does 😀 i will resistthe temptation tho lol as for your heli’s? i only started off with ONE next thing i know i look back a year on and theres heli’s everywhere 😀

  22. Edmond says:

    ool mate.. Note black & white cams are more sensitive to IR. I work with these 😉 One of ours would have made that run look like daylight 😉


  23. Christy says:

    that’s some wild rc wheels you got there.

  24. Isadora says:

    Dude your crazy!! I love it. 5 Stars.

  25. Roger says:

    wow that would be to much fun to chase my cats lol and awsome shots of your helis i’m vorking on it only got two