Apr 08

RC truck w/boat and trailer

Tag: Generaladmin @ 5:21 pm

just a little fun is all.

15 Responses to “RC truck w/boat and trailer”

  1. TheStuffz says:

    nice video. need a bit of work backing up a trailer but got the job done!
    think it was sinking a bit on the way out. just put a fatter tire on the

  2. ogio6766 says:

    maybe a few hours of practice will make you be able to drive

  3. spacepolic29 says:

    that’s pretty cool. is that a pede?

  4. 1514188 says:

    Cool I just use my stampede as a boat. Tires are sealed without vent holes
    so it floats

  5. Ray Santiago says:

    The kid has to go

  6. thatcoolmovieshow says:

    you need 2 sets of wheels on the traler

  7. Cole Campbell says:

    You do know that you went off the trail. funny video

  8. santi laila says:

    Memories of you

  9. MRsageprductions says:

    itd more badass witgh both nitro truck and boat

  10. ROCKNROLL551 says:

    i love that kid in the backround

  11. Ashton Reich says:

    wow noob truck and boat. my t maxx does flips when i touch the gass. and my
    boat literally does flips in the water. it goes about 40 mph narb

  12. Grant Brunssen says:

    @camarogod93 for sure

  13. alex menjivar says:

    smack the kid

  14. DustyonTA says:

    four wheel drive works mo betta. nice vid.

  15. Travis Pumpfake says:

    very very cool man i got the same stuff but bigger w tmaxx