Dec 21

Rechargeable 9-12 volt battery for my RC truck?

Tag: Q&Aadmin @ 4:15 pm
rc truck
China asks:

I bought a Rc truck from for $50 which came with a rechargeable 9 volt batt. I did not use the truck for a month and did not use the batt. Now, the batt won’t charge and is dead. So i need to a buy a good 9 to 12 volt rechargeable batt.

One Response to “Rechargeable 9-12 volt battery for my RC truck?”

  1. Beatriz says:

    ok. Any Ni-mh battery from a store will do. get one that is at least 1500 mAh. I wouldn’t suggest anything higher than 9.6V as it could burn your electronic speed controller or your truck motor.