Nov 26

ROAR Region 2 RC Truck Race of Champions Gas A Main Part1

Tag: RC vidsadmin @ 8:50 pm
Hermina asks:

On Sept 22nd RCgroups covered the “ROAR Region 2 RC Truck Race of Champions”. The event was held at Pitstop Hobbies Mount Joy, Pa. Classes raced were as follows. 18T Electric 19 turn Truck Electric Mod Truck Gas Truck Truggies

9 Responses to “ROAR Region 2 RC Truck Race of Champions Gas A Main Part1”

  1. Cordell says:

    serious blue groove going on

  2. Hanna says:

    that’s on the race organizers you need to tell racers how starting procedures go

  3. Raul says:

    *cough cough*…truck

  4. Luciana says:

    lol that one idiot walked away with the guys car! wdf?

  5. Savanna says:

    God it’s not that hard. Some confused people.

  6. Myrtice says:

    how long is a race??

  7. Josphine says:

    pfff shows how much people really listen to others great track though

  8. Elodia says:

    what a weird way to start a race… false start? ***… just wierd

  9. Lecia says:

    dam, looks like fun! Nice track too