Jan 04

what should i get an rc gas powered car or rc gas powered truck?

Tag: Q&Aadmin @ 11:21 pm
rc truck
Beverlee asks:

i was thinking about getting a gas powered truck or car but i dont know what is better

One Response to “what should i get an rc gas powered car or rc gas powered truck?”

  1. Emelda says:

    If you have acYou really need to decide that all on your own. However here is a few things to think about. One you say gas powered do you mean nitro fuel or pumpgas???? BIG defferance!!! For sake of argument let’s go with nitro power. Two were do you plan on “playing at “. Cars generally set way lower to the ground and therefore arenot good offroad. Three trucks generally have ample ground clearaance and there for handle the rough stuff ie backyard, playground,( with no children around ) BMX track, and any place other than the street. Trucks can go onthe street of course– simple tire swap for best results. I think the truck/buggie would be better– granted that’s just me. Tucks are way more versital in that respect..
    make it easy on yourself and buy 1 of each!!! If you have zero experince electric may be a bit easyer to get the basics of operating / repairing hobby grade r/c. if you know someone who already has nitro powered stuff try what they are running. Check out these sites for more info once you have a batter idea what you want.